Unforscene Productions LLC
Stock Footage
Why spend the time and effort to record a clip, if we have one that will fit your needs.

We have a library of collected material which can be licensed for use.  This material is recorded in 4K using professional level equipment.

Here are short samples of some recordings.  The full duration of the recording is indicated in the description.
Much of this material is recorded locally, and can be rerecorded to fit your needs, subject to acceptable environmental conditions (i.e. weather).
The exhaust chimneys of a cement processing plant.

Available content:
One segment
20 Minutes

Using 1/4 and 1/16 neutral density filters
Drone view of a new car storage lot.  Recorded over a US Customs parking lot.

Available content:
Three segments
49 sec
42 sec
1:53 minutes
Drone view of a highway at night.  This playback it at 10X speed.

Available content:
Two segments
5 minutes
5 minutes
US American flag in high wind.

Available content:
Two segments
6 minutes
6 minutes
Drone view of a Texas neighborhood during the 2020 ice storm.
Recorded in 1K

Available content:
One segment
4:45 minutes
Drone view tracking a sports car through a neighborhood.

Available content:
One segment
1:58 minutes
Drone view through a prairie area in Texas.

Available content:
One segment
4:29 minutes
Contact me here and we can discuss how I can help